ACCC v NSW Ports
ACCC v NSW Ports Operations Hold Co Pty Ltd [2023] FCAFC 16
ACCC v NSW Ports Operations Hold Co Pty Ltd (No 2) [2023] FCAFC 37 (costs)
ACCC v NSW Ports Operations Hold Co Pty Ltd [2021] FCA 720
File numbers NSD2289/2018; NSD751/2021
(proceedings dismissed, 29 June 2021)
(appeal dismissed, 16 March 2023)
Federal Court of Australia (Full Court)
Appeal filed
27 July 2021
Appeal heard
17-22 February 2022
Appeal judgment
Reserved on 22 February 2022
Appeal judges
Chief Justice Allsop
Justice Yates
Justice Beach
Federal Court of Australia
10 December 2018
(cross claim filed by Port Kembla Operations Pty Ltd on 18 July 2019)
NSW Ports Operations Hold Co Pty Ltd ('NSW Ports')
Port Botony Operations Pty Ltd (subsidiary or NSW Ports)
Port Kembla Operations Pty Ltd (subsidiary or NSW Ports)
File number
Justice Jagot
Anti-competitive agreements (purpose and effect)
Case dismissed: 29 June 2021
Trial: 12 October - 17 December 2020
Facts and summary
Appeal (dismissed)
The ACCC lodged an appeal on 27 July 2021.
The matter was heard in February 2022 and judgment given (dismissing the appeal) on 16 March 2023.
The Full bench comprised Chief Justice Allsop, Justice Yates and Justice Beach.
View ACCC media release
Case dismissed (29 June 2021)
Hearing held between 12 October 2020 - 17 December 2020
In its media release announcing the proceedings, the ACCC provides the following details:
The ACCC has instituted proceedings in the Federal Court against NSW Ports Operations Hold Co Pty Ltd and its subsidiaries Port Botany Operations Pty Ltd and Port Kembla Operations Pty Ltd for making agreements with the State of New South Wales that the ACCC alleges had an anti-competitive purpose and effect.
“We are alleging that making these agreements containing provisions which would effectively compensate Port Kembla and Port Botany if the Port of Newcastle developed a container terminal, is anti-competitive and illegal,” ACCC Chair Rod Sims said.
The NSW Government privatised Port Botany and Port Kembla in May 2013 and the agreements, known as Port Commitment Deeds, were entered into as part of the privatisation process, for a term of 50 years.
The Botany and Kembla Port Commitment Deeds oblige the State of NSW to compensate the operators of Port Botany and Port Kembla if container traffic at the Port of Newcastle is above a minimal specified cap.
The ACCC alleges that entering into each of the Botany and Kembla Port Commitment Deeds was likely to prevent or hinder the development of a container terminal at the Port of Newcastle, and had the purpose, or was likely to have the effect of, substantially lessening competition.
Another 50-year deed, signed in May 2014 when the Port of Newcastle was privatised, requires the Port of Newcastle to reimburse the State of NSW for any compensation paid to operators of Port Botany and Port Kembla under the Botany and Kembla Port Commitment Deeds.
The ACCC alleges that the reimbursement provision in the Port of Newcastle Deed is an anti-competitive consequence of the Botany and Kembla Port Commitment Deeds, and that it makes the development of a container terminal at Newcastle uneconomic.
“The compensation and reimbursement provisions effectively mean that the Port of Newcastle would be financially punished for sending or receiving container cargo above a minimal level if Port Botany and Port Kembla have spare capacity. This makes development of a container terminal at the Port of Newcastle uneconomic,” Mr Sims said.
“We are taking legal action to remove a barrier to competition in an important market, the supply of port services, which has significant implications for the cost of goods across the economy, not just in New South Wales. The impact of any lessening of competition is ultimately borne by consumers.”
“If a competing container terminal cannot be developed at the Port of Newcastle, NSW Ports will remain the only major supplier of port services for container cargo in NSW for 50 years.”
“I have long voiced concerns about the short-term thinking of state governments when privatising assets and making decisions primarily to boost sales proceeds, at the expense of creating a long-term competitive market,” Mr Sims said.
“These anti-competitive decisions ultimately cost consumers in those states and impact the wider economy in the long term.”
The ACCC is seeking declarations that the compensation provisions in the 2013 Port Commitment Deeds contravene the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA), injunctions restraining the operators of Port Botany and Port Kembla from seeking compensation under these provisions, pecuniary penalties and costs.
The CCA only applies to the conduct of state governments in certain limited circumstances. The State of NSW is not currently a party to the ACCC’s proceedings and the ACCC is not seeking orders against the state.
Hearing 17, 18, 21 and 22 February before Chief Justice Allsop, Justice Yates and Justice Beach.
Original Hearing
Hearing held between 12 October 2020 - 17 December 2020
Interlocutory Hearing (Justice Wigney) on 1 April
Hearing: 25 February 2020 (on certain disputed categories)
First Case Management Hearing before Justice Jagot on 20 December 2018
Media and commentary
ACCC, ‘Court dismisses ACCC case against NSW Ports’ (ACCC Media Release, 29 June 2021) ➤
ACCC, 'ACCC takes action against NSW Ports' (ACCC Media Release, 10 December 2018) ➤
NSW Ports
NSW Ports, ‘Response to ACCC proceedings’ ➤
Law firms
An interview with HWL Ebsworth Lawyers discussing shipping in Australia(Lexology, 16 October 2020)
Hannah Wootton, ‘Super consortium in court over anti-competitive ports deal’ (AFR, 20 August 2019) ➤
AAP, ‘NSW Ports CEO worried by ACCC action’ (SBS News, 18 February 2019) ➤