Current bills
Amendment bills before Parliament
Treasury Laws Amendment (Mergers and Acquisitions Reform) Bill 2024
Government bill introduced on 10 October 2024. See also news page.
Competition and Consumer Amendment (Continuing ACCC Monitoring of Domestic Airline Competition) Bill 2023 ➤
Private member’s bill (sponsors Senator Dean Smith and Senator Bridget McKenzie)
Competition and Consumer Amendment (Make Price Gouging Illegal) Bill 2024 ➤
Private member’s bill (sponsor Senator Nick McKim)
[Note that this does not include all bills that are predominantly consumer protection in their focus]
Lapsed or not passed
Treasury Laws Amendment (2020 Measures No 4) Bill 2020
Introduced in House of Representatives 28 October 2020
Change to industry code penalties under Part IVB (increase from 300 to 600 penalty units)
[Bill lapsed at end of 46th Parliament, 25 July 2022]
Treasury Law Amendments (Prohibiting Energy Market Misconduct) Bill 2018 ➤
Referred to Senate Economics Legislation Committee on 6 December 2018; reported 18 March 2019
[Bill lapsed at end of Parliament 1 July 2019] [Later revived]
Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer) Bill 2017 ➤
Introduced into House and second reading moved: 22 June 2017 (Government bill)
Passed House 10 May 2018
[Lapsed at end of Parliament 1 July 2019]
Competition and Consumer Amendment (Misleading Representations About Broadband Speeds) Bill 2018 ➤
Private members' bill. Introduced 26 Feb 2018
Status: Not proceeding (removed from Notice Paper 18 September)
Competition and Consumer Amendment (Free Range Eggs) Bill 2018 ➤
Private Members' Bill (Rebekha Sharkie MP)
Consumer related. Introduced into House on 12 Feb 2018.
Not proceeding: Removed from Notice Paper on 11 September
Competition and Consumer Legislation Amendment (Small Business Access to Justice) Bill 2017 ➤
Not proceeding: Removed from the Notice Paper in accordance with (SO 42) on 19 June 2018
Private Members Bill. Passed Senate 10 August 2017. Debate commenced in House 16 October 2017.
Competition and Consumer Amendment (Paper Bills and Statements) Bill 2017 ➤
Not proceeding: removed from Notice Paper on 13 Feb 2018
Private Members Bill - relates to Australian Consumer Law. Proposes to amend Act (s 100) to provide for proof of transaction 'in the required form', which may be paper or (with consumer consent) electronic. Further provides consumer not to be charged for proof of transaction.
Competition and Consumer Amendment (Safeguarding the Reputation of Australian Beef) Bill 2017 ➤
Not proceeding: removed from Notice Paper on 13 Feb 2018
Private Members Bill
Competition and Consumer Amendment (Exploitation of Indigenous Culture) Bill 2017 ➤
Private Members Bill. Sponsored by Bob Katter MP.
Second reading 13 February 2017
Not proceeding. Removed from notice paper 5 September 2017.
Competition and Consumer (Misuse of Market Power) Bill 2014 ➤
Private member's bill - Senator Xenophon - proposal to allow for divestiture following s 46 breach. Senate Economics Legislation Committee recommended that the Senate not pass the bill in February 2015. Bill lapsed at prorogation on 17 April 2016 but restored to notice paper on 19 April 2016. Bill lapsed again at dissolutoin of Parliament in May.
Competition and Consumer Amendment (Deregulatory and Other Measures) Bill 2015 ➤
Focus on ACL but also amendment to s 5 re: requirement for Ministerial consent
Bill lapsed at prorogation: 15 April 2016
Competition and Consumer Amendment (Strengthening Rules About Misuse of Power) Bill 2013 ➤
Private Member's bill introduced on 17 June 2013 by Rob Oakeshott MP.
Lapsed at dissolution of Parliament: 5 August 2013
Supermarket Dominance Bill 2013 ➤
Private Member's bill introduced on 17 June 2013 by Bob Katter MP and supported by Nick Xenophon MP and Andrew Wilkie MP.
Lapsed at dissolution of Parliament: 5 August 2013
Competition and Consumer (Price Signalling) Amendment Bill 2010 ➤
(Not debated - Government bill passed 24 November 2011)
Private Member's Bill - price signalling laws - first reading on 22 November 2010
Referred to House of Representatives Committee ➤
Competition and Consumer Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 ➤
(lapsed - re-introduced on 15 June 2011 as the CCLA Bill 2011 ➤)
Provides for amendments to the definition of market for purposes of mergers
Trade Practices Amendment (Material Lessening of Competition - Richmond Amendment) Bill 2009 ➤
(not proceeding/lapsed)
Private members bill. Provided for two changes to the merger laws designed to lower the merger threshold and prohibit 'creeping acquisitions'
Trade Practices Amendment (Guaranteed Lowest Prices - Blacktown Amendment) Bill 2009
(not proceeding/lapsed)
Private members bill. Proposed prohibition of geographic price discrimination for big business.
Trade Practices (Creeping Acquisitions) Amendment Bill 2007 ➤
Private members bill. Provided for changes to allow consideration of a series of mergers in assessing anti-competitive effect.
Last updated: 20 September 2024