Legislation (amendments)
Amendment Acts
Amendments appearing in bold are the most significant in the context of competition law
Treasury Laws Amendment (More Competition, Better Prices) Act 2022 (Act 54 of 2022)
”Amends the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 to increase the maximum penalty applicable for anti-competitive behaviour and certain breaches of competition consumer law; and Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 to: establish a civil penalty regime prohibiting the use of, and reliance on, unfair contract terms in standard form contracts; and expand the class of contracts that are covered by the unfair contract terms.”
Telstra Corporation and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2021 (Act 140 of 2021) ➤
’An Act to amend legislation relating to Telstra, and for other purposes’. Authorises certain conduct for purposes of s 51(1) of the CCA (see Schedule 1, s 2). Schedule 2 includes certain amendments contingent on implementation of approved scheme of arrangement - in particular, changing references from Telstra to ‘designated Telstra successor company’.
Treasury Laws Amendment (2021 Measures No. 6) Act 2021 (Act 111 of 2021) ➤
Amendments to industry code penalties under Part IVB of the Act
Fuel Security (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2021 (Act 66 of 2021) ➤
’An Act to deal with consequential and transitional matters arising from the enactment of the Fuel Security Act 2021, and for related purposes’ (minor amendment adding reference to Fuel Security Act 2021 in s 95ZPA(1)
Competition and Consumer Amendment (Motor Vehicle Service and Repair Information Sharing Scheme) Act 2021 (Act 54 of 2021) ➤
’An Act to amend the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 in relation to sharing information for motor vehicle service and repair, and for related purposes’
Treasury Laws Amendment (News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code) Act 2021
’Amends the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 to establish a mandatory code of conduct that applies to news media businesses and digital platform corporations when bargaining in relation to news content made available by digital platform services.’
Territories Legislation Amendment Act 2020 (Act 154 of 2020) ➤
Treasury Laws Amendment (2020 Measures No. 6) Act 2020 (Act 141 of 2020) ➤
Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response) Act 2020 (Act 135 of 2020) ➤
National Emergency Declaration (Consequential Amendments) Act 2020 (Act 129 of 2020) ➤
Amendments to the authorisation criteria in s 90.
Treasury Laws Amendment (2019 Measures No 3) Act 2020 (Act 64 of 2020) ➤
Minor amendments
Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Act 2020) (Act 47 of 2020) ➤
Communications Legislation Amendment (Deregulation and Other Measures) Act 2019 (Act 120 of 2019) ➤
Treasury Laws Amendment (Prohibiting Energy Market Misconduct) Act 2019 (Act 115 of 2019) ➤
Various changes in relation to the energy market, including giving limited divestiture
Treasury Laws Amendment (2019 Measures No 2) Act 2019 (Act 94 of 2019) ➤
Increased the size of the board of the Australian Energy Regulator from three to five members and made changes to the operation of the board; created a requirement that consumer data rules include an obligation on accredited data recipients to delete consumer data right data in response to a valid request from a consumer.
Treasury Laws Amendment (Consumer Data Right) Act 2019 (Act 63 of 2019) ➤
‘An Act to amend the law relating to competition, fair trading, consumer protection and privacy, and for related purposes’
New ‘Part IVD - Consumer data right’ inserted, s 4 amended (definitions relating to consumer data right added) + other incidental amendments relating to consumer data right.
Treasury Laws Amendment (2019 Measures 1) Act 2019 (Act 49 of 2019) ➤
‘An Act to amend the law relating to superannuation, taxation, corporations, financial services, consumers, competition and statistics, and for related purposes’.
Sub-section 51ADE(1) amended, s 90(8) amended, s 91(3) repealed, s 95AA amended, ss 95L(1) and (2) repealed and substituted, s 155 amended
Treasury Laws Amendment (2018 Measures No. 5) Act 2019 (Act 15 of 2019) ➤
Removes IP exemption and provides access to justice changes.
Introduced: 20 September 2018 (Government bill); Royal Assent: 12 March 2019
House of representatives: Passed (third reading agreed 17 October)
Senate: Passed (with amendment) (14 February 2019)
Treasury Laws Amendment (2018 Measures 4) Act 2019 (Act 8 of 2019) ➤
Incidental: ‘An Act to amend the law relating to taxation, superannuation, competition and consumers, and for related purposes’. Section 44AAJ repealed.
Treasury Laws Amendment (Gift Cards ) Act 2018 (Act 133 of 2018) ➤
Consumer focus
Treasury Laws Amendment (Australian Consumer Law Review) Act 2018 (Act 132 of 2018) ➤
Introduced: 28 March 2018 (Government bill). In force 25 October 2018
Consumer focus; most amendments appear in Schedule 2 of the Act; also a change to ACCC powers in s 155
Treasury Laws Amendment (2018 Measures No. 3) Act 2018 (Act 93 of 2018) ➤
Increases maximum penalties under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) to align them with the competition provisions of the Act (Government bill - introduced 15 Feb - Royal Assent 31 Sept 2018)
Corporations Amendment (Asia Region Funds Passport) Act 2018 (Act 61 of 2018) ➤
Incidental changes to Schedule 2 (Aust Consumer Law) ss 95 and 187.
Competition and Consumer Amendment (Abolition of Limited Merits Review) Act 2017 (Act 116 of 2017) ➤
Designed to prevent the Australian Competition Tribunal from reviewing certain decisions made under the national energy laws
Competition and Consumer Amendment (Competition Policy Review) Act 2017 (Act 114 of 2017)
Harper reforms. Commenced 6 November 2017.
Public Governance and Resources Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2017 (Act 92 of 2017) ➤
Amends s 29A regarding listed entities and consequential amendments relating to the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013
Petroleum and Other Fuels Reporting (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 2017 (Act 91 of 2017) ➤
Inserts s 95ZPA regarding disclosure of protected information to the Energy Department
Competition and Consumer Amendment (Misuse of Market Power) Act 2017 (Act 87 of 2017)
Harper reforms. Introduces effects test for misuse of market power. Commenced 6 November 2017.
Competition and Consumer Amendment (Country of Origin) Act 2017 (Act 5 of 2017) ➤
Consumer law amendments
Statute Update Act 2016 (Act 61 of 2016) ➤
Substituted 'evidence' with 'prima facie evidence' in ss 90A(9) and 93A(8). Penalty units amendments ($2,000 replaced with 20 penalty units and $10,000 replaced with 100 penalty units) in para 10.68.
Territories Legislation Amendment Act 2016 (Act 33 of 2016) ➤
Amendments relating to application to Norfolk Island (ss 151AC, 152AE)
Courts Administration Legislation Amendment Act 2016 (Act 24 of 2016) ➤
Consequential amendments - omit reference in s 130 (definition of Family Court Judge) to 'Chief Judge, the Deputy Chief Judge, a Judge Administrator' and substitute 'Chief Justice, the Deputy Chief Justice'.
Competition and Consumer Amendment (Payment Surcharges) Act 2016 (Act 9 of 2016) ➤
Added Part IVC - Payment surcharges (prohibiting certain excessive surcharges) and associated amendments
Statute Law Revision Act (Act 4 of 2016) ➤
Technical amendments; Schedule 4 - Guilty of an offence - amends to omit the phrase 'is guilty of' and replace it with 'commits'
Treasury Legislation Amendment (Small Business and Unfair Contract Terms) Act 2015 (Act 147 of 2015) ➤
Consumer protection - extending unfair contract terms prohibitions to small business (applies to subsections 95N(2), (3) and (4), 95Q(3), 95T(1), 95Z(1), (2) and (3), 95ZK(4), 95ZP(1) and 95ZQ(1), 10.68(2), 151BUA(10) and (11), 151BUB(12) and (13), 151BUC(12) and (13), 151BUDA(6) and (7), 151BUDB(7) and (8), 151BUDC(7) and (8) and 151BV(2))
Acts and Instruments (Framework Reform) (Consequential Provisions) Act 2015 (Act 126 of 2015) ➤
Minor amendments: in various places heading 'Legislative Instruments Act 2003' repealed and substituted with Legislation Act 2003 and references to 'for the purposes of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003' omitted. Subsection 87Y(2) repealed and substituted with '(2) A regulation made for the purposes of paragraph (1)(a) does not commence before the end of the period of 6 months starting: (a) if the regulation is laid before each House of the Parliament under section 38 of the Legislation Act 2003 on the same day - on that day; or (b) if it is laid before each House of the Parliament under that section on different days - on the later of those days'.
Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Deregulation) Act 2015 (Act 38 of 2015) ➤
Minor amendments: para 151CM(1)(b) omit 'Telstra); and' and substitute 'Telstra).'; repeal para 151CM(1)(c); repeal definition of universal service profider in ss 151CM(5); repeal para 155AAA(12)(ka).
Acts and Instruments (Framework Reform) Act 2015 (Act 10 of 2015) ➤
Minor amendments to ss 151BUAA, 151CMA, 151CMB and 151CMC
Omnibus Repeal Day (Autumn 2014) Act 2014 (Act 109 of 2014) ➤
Amendments relating to access agreements, completed reviews and consequential and transitional provisions (ss 152AC amended (definition of quarter inserted), 152BEA and 152BEB repealed and substituted (re: quarterly reports about access and ACCC may request copy of access agreement or variation agreement); Division 13 of Part XIB repealed; Sections 151DC and 151DD repealed; Paragraph 19(6)(c) of Schedule 2 repealed)
Competition and Consumer Amendment (Industry Code Penalties) Act 2014 (Act 107 of 2014) ➤
Passed both houses 4 September 2014 (to take effect from 1 January 2015). Assent on 24 September 2014
Deals with Franchise code - gives ACCC power to issue infringement notices and Court power to impose pecuniary penalties.
Clean Energy Legislation (Carbon Tax Repeal) Act 2014 (Act 83 of 2014) ➤
Inserts new Part V and makes related amendments
Competition and Consumer Amendment Act 2013 (No 104 of 2013) ➤
No competition amendments - amends s 48 of Schedule 2 (Australian Consumer Law)
Statute Law Revision Act 2013 (No 103 of 2013) ➤
Minor amendments only
Federal Circuit Court of Australia (Consequential Amendments) Act 2013 (Act 13 of 2013) ➤
In April 2013 the Federal Magistrates Court was re-named the Federal Circuit Court. This Act replaces references to Federal Magistrate's Court with Federal Circuit Court.
Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (Consequential and Transitional) Act 2012 (Act 169 of 2012)
Added definition to s 4 and minor amendments to s 45B, 47(11), 151BC and Schedule 1
Statute Law Revision Act 2012 (Act 136 of 2012)
Consumer Credit Legislation Amendment (Enhancements) Act 2012 (Act 130 of 2012) ➤
Not relevant to the competition provisions
Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Universal Service Reform) Act 2012 (Act 44 of 2012) ➤
After para 155AAA(12)(k) inserted: "(ka) the Telecommunications Universal Service Management Agency;"
Competition and Consumer Amendment Act (No 1) 2011 (Act 185 of 2011) ➤
Introduced price signalling laws (to commence 6 June 2012)
Competition and Consumer Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (Act 184 of 2011) ➤
Provides for amendments to the definition of market for purposes of mergers - passed both Houses
(previously introduced as the CCLA Bill 2010)
Clean Energy (Consequential Amendments) Act 2011 (Act 132 of 2011) ➤
Australian Energy Market Amendment (National Energy Retail Law) Act 2011 (No 119 of 2011) ➤
Carbon Credits (Consequential Amendments) Act 2011 (Act 102 of 2011) ➤
Acts Interpretation Amendment Act 2011 (Act 46 of 2011) ➤
Amendment to definition of 'document' in s 4.
Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network Measures - Access Arrangements) Act 2011 (Act 23 of 2011) ➤
Government bill. Introduced 25 November 2010. Assent on 12 April 2011
Statute Law Revision Act 2011 (Act 5 of 2011) ➤
Financial Framework Legislation Amendment Act 2010 (Act 148 of 2010) ➤
Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Safeguards) Act 2010 (Act 140 of 2010) ➤
Amends parts XIB and XIC of the Act.
Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer Law) Act (No. 2) 2010 (Act 103 of 2010) ➤
Renamed the Act the 'Competition and Consumer Act 2010'
Trade Practices Amendment (Infrastructure Access) Act 2010 (Act 102 of 2010) ➤
Makes changes to administrative processes
Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer Law) Act (No. 1) 2010 (Act 44 of 2010) ➤
Statute Law Revision Act 2010 (Act 8 of 2010) ➤
Replaces references to "Internet site" in ss 152ELB and 152ELC with "website"
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Serious and Organised Crime) Act (No 2) 2010 (Act 4 of 2010) ➤
(removes references to the Crimes Act 1914 and replaces them with references to the Criminal Code)
Statute Stocktake (Regulatory and Other Laws) Act 2009 (Act 111 of 2009) ➤
Repealed Part VB and related amendments
Federal Court of Australia Amendment (Criminal Proceedings) Act 2009 (Act 106 of 2009) ➤
Provides criminal jurisdiction for the Federal Court of Australia, necessary for enforcement of the criminal cartel provision.
Note: this Act amends the Federal Court of Australia Act; it does not amend the TPA/CCA
Trade Practices Amendment (Cartel Conduct and Other Measures) Act 2009 (Act 59 of 2009)
The Act re-defines cartel conduct and provide for criminal penalties for such conduct.
Fair Work (State Referral and Consequential and Other Amendments) Act 2009 (Act 54 of 2009) ➤
Australian Energy Market Amendment (AEMO and Other Measures) Act 2009 (Act 17 of 2009) ➤
Water Amendment Act 2008 (Act 139 of 2008) ➤
Trade Practices Amendment (Clarity in Pricing) Act 2008 (Act 126 of 2008) ➤
Introduced component pricing laws
Offshore Petroleum Amendment (Greenhouse Gas Storage) Act 2008 (Act 117 of 2008) ➤
Trade Practices Legislation Amendment Act 2008 (Act 116 of 2008) ➤
Predatory Pricing and other section 46 amendments and s 155 amendment.
Australian Energy Market Amendment (Minor Amendments) Act 2008 (Act 60 of 2008) ➤
Trade Practices Amendment (Access Declarations) Act 2008 (Act 7 of 2008) ➤
Telecommunications access - declarations are not legislative instruments and provision made for compensation where property acquired
Trade Practices Legislation Amendment Act 2007 (Act 159 of 2007) (Birdsville Amendment) ➤
Section 46 - minor amendments and the predatory pricing addition
Water (Consequential Amendments) Act 2007 (Act 138 of 2007) ➤
Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Digital Radio) Act 2007 (Act 68 of 2007) ➤
Australian Energy Market Amendment (Gas Legislation) Act 2007 (Act 45 of 2007) ➤
Trade Practices Legislation Amendment Act (No 1) 2006 (Act 131 of 2006) ➤
First set of Dawson Reforms, including increased civil penalties and major changes to merger procedures
Tax Laws Amendment (Repeal of Inoperative Provisions) Act 2006 (Act 101 of 2006) ➤
Trade Practices Amendment (National Access Regime) Act 2006 (Act 92 of 2006) ➤
Energy Legislation Amendment Act 2006 (Act 60 of 2006) ➤
Jurisdiction of the Federal Magistrates Court Legislation Amendment Act 2006 (Act 23 of 2006) ➤
Offshore Petroleum (Repeals and Consequential Amendments) Act 2006 (Act 17 of 2006) ➤
Trade Practices Amendment (Personal Injuries and Death) Act 2006 (Act 11 of 2006) ➤
Treasury Legislation Amendment (Professional Standards) Act 2004 (Act 118 of 2004) ➤
Trade Practices Amendment (Personal Injuries and Death) Act (No 2) 2004 (Act 113 of 2004) ➤
Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Energy Market) Act 2004 (Act 108 of 2004) ➤
Postal Services Legislation Amendment Act 2004 (Act 69 of 2004) ➤
Trade Practices Legislation Amendment Act 2003 (Act 134 of 2003) ➤
Access and Prices Surveillance
Industry, Tourism and Resources Legislation Amendment Act 2003 (Act 21 of 2003) ➤
Maritime Legislation Amendment Act 2003 (Act 7 of 2003) ➤
Trade Practices Amendment (Liability for Recreational Services) Act 2002 (Act 146 of 2002) ➤
Telecommunications Competition Act 2002 (Act 140 of 2002) ➤
Trade Practices Amendment Act (No 1) 2002 (Act 128 of 2002) ➤
Pyramid selling
Statute Law Revision Act 2002 (Act 63 of 2002) ➤
Treasury Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Act (No 2) 2001 (Act 146 of 2001) ➤
Trade Practices Amendment (Telecommunications) Act 2001 (Act 124 of 2001)
Financial Services Reform (Consequential Provisions) Act 2001 (Act 123 of 2001)
Treasury Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Act (No 3) 2001 (Act 117 of 2001)
Trade Practices Amendment Act (No 1) 2001 (Act 63 of 2001)
(as amended by Statute Law Revision Act 2002 (Act 63 of 2002))
Corporations (Repeals, Consequentials and Transitionals) Act 2001 (Act 55 of 2001)
Communications and the Arts Legislation Amendment Act 2001 (Act 46 of 2001)
Treasury Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Act (No 1) 2001 (Act 31 of 2001)
(as amended by Statute Law Revision Act 2002)
Jurisdiction of Courts (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2000 (Act 161 of 2000)
Trade Practices Amendment (International Liner Cargo Shipping) Act 2000 (Act 123 of 2000)
A New Tax System (Trade Practices Amendment) Act 2000 (Act 69 of 2000)
Jurisdiction of Courts Legislation Amendment Act 2000 (Act 57 of 2000)
Federal Magistrates (Consequential Amendments) Act 1999 (Act 194 of 1999)
A New Tax System (Indirect Tax and Consequential Amendments) Act 1999 (Act 176 of 1999)
Public Employment (Consequential and Transitional) Amendment Act 1999 (Act 176 of 1999)
A New Tax System (Trade Practices Amendment) Act 1999 (Act 61 of 1999) ➤
Inserted Part VB Price exploitation in relation to A New Tax System and made consequential amendments
Telecommunications Legislation Amendment Act 1999 (Act 52 of 1999)
Trade Practices Amendment (Country of Origin Representations) Act 1998 (Act 106 of 1998)
Gas Pipelines Access (Commonwealth) Act 1998 (Act 101 of 1998)
Financial Sector Reform (Consequential Amendments) Act 1998 (Act 48 of 1998)
Trade Practices Amendment (Fair Trading) Act 1998) (Act 36 of 1998)
Telecommunications Legislation Amendment Act 1997 (Act 200 of 1997)
Audit (Transitional and Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 1997 (Act 152 of 1997)
Trade Practices Amendment (Telecommunications) Act 1997 (Act 58 of 1997) ➤
Inserts Part XIB, setting up a special regime for regulating anti-competitive conduct in the telecommunications industry
Trade Practices Amendment (Industry Access Codes) Act 1997 (Act 28 of 1997)
Workplace Relations and other Legislation Amendment Act 1996 (Act 60 of 1996)
(as amended by Workplace Relations and Other Legislation Amendment Act (No 2) 1996 (Act 77 of 1996))
Statute Law Revision Act 1986 (Act 43 of 1996)
Competition Policy Reform Act 1995 (Act 88 of 1995) ➤
National Competition Policy, Access, Services etc. Response to Hilmer Report ➤
Competition Policy Reform (New South Wales) Act 1995 (NSW) ➤
Law and Justice legislation Amendment Act (No 2) 1994 (Act 141 of 1994)
Insurance Laws Amendment Act (No 2) 1994 (Act 49 of 1994)
Industrial Relations Reform Act 1993 (Act 98 of 1993)
Trade Practices Legislation Amendment Act 1992 (Act 222 of 1992) ➤
Response to Cooney Report. Changes to merger (revert to SLC test, provide criteria in s 50(3) and for international considerations in authorisation applications), misuse of market power provisions and increased pecuniary penalties.
Trade Practices Amendment Act 1992 (Act 106 of 1992)
Broadcasting Services (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1992 (Act 105 of 1992)
Territories Law Reform Act 1992 (Act 104 of 1992)
Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Act 1992 (Act 22 of 1992)
Special Broadcasting Service Act 1991 (Act 180 of 1991)
Transport and Communications Legislation Amendment Act 1991 (Act 173 of 1991)
Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Act 1991 (Act 136 of 1991)
Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Act 1991 (Act 122 of 1991)
Trade Practices Amendment Act 1991 (Act 49 of 1991)
Trade Practices (Misuse of Trans-Tasman Market Power) Act 1990 (Act 70 of 1990) ➤
Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Act 1990 (Act 11 of 1990)
Trade Practices (International Liner Cargo Shipping) Amendment Act 1989 (Act 34 of 1989) ➤
Circuit Layouts Act 1989 (Act 28 of 1989)
Industrial Relations (Consequential Provisions) Act 1988 (Act 87 of 1988)
(as amended by Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Act (No 2) 1990)
Trade Practices Amendment Act 1988 (Act 20 of 1988)
Family Court of Australia (Additional Jurisdiction and Exercise of Powers Act 1988) (Act 8 of 1988)
(as amended by Law and Justicie Legislation Amendment Act 1988 (Act 120 of 1988))
Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1987 (Act 141 of 1987)
Jurisdiction of Courts (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1987 (Act 23 of 1987)
Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 1986 (Act 168 of 1986)
Trade Practices Revision Act 1986 (Act 17 of 1986) ➤
Misuse of market power and various other amendments
Trade Practices (Transfer of Market Dominance) Amendment Act 1986 (Act 8 of 1986) ➤
Statute Law (Miscellaneous provisions) Act (No 1) 1985 (Act 65 of 1985)
Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 1984 (Act 165 of 1984)
(as amended by Trade Practices Revision Act 1986 (Act 17 of 1986)) ➤
Remuneration and Allowances Amendment Act 1984 (Act 73 of 1984)
Public Service Reform Act 1984 (Act 63 of 1984)
Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1983 (Act 39 of 1983) ➤
Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act (No 2) 1982 (Act 80 of 1982)
Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1981 (Act 176 of 1981)
Statute Law Revision Act 1981 (Act 61 of 1981)
Trade Practices (Boycotts) Amendment Act 1980 (Act 73 of 1980) ➤
Secondary boycotts
Trade Practices Amendment Act (No 2) 1978 (Act 207 of 1978) ➤
Secondary boycotts, no duplication of pecuniary penalties
Trade Practices Amendment Act 1978 (Act 206 of 1978) ➤
Price fixing (joint ventures), Exclusive dealing (related corporations), Authorisation and notification
Trade Practices Amendment Act (No 2) 1977 (Act 151 of 1977)
Remuneration and Allowances Amendment Act 1977 (Act 111 of 1977)
Trade Practices Amendment Act 1977 (Act 81 of 1977) ➤
Federal Court of Australia (Consequential Provisions) Act 1976 (Act 157 of 1976)
Trade Practices Amendment Act 1976 (Act 88 of 1976) ➤
Trade Practices Act 1975 (Act 63 of 1975) ➤
Postal and Telecommunications Commissions (Transitional Provisions) Act 1975 (Act 56 of 1975)
Please note that further links and details are only provided for those amendments most relevant to the competition law provisions of the Act. For a full list of amending legislation visit Federal Register of Legislation. ➤
Last updated: 11 November 2022