Australian competition law case database
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- anti-competitive agreements 8
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- bid rigging 4
- boycotts 5
- cartel 25
- competition 2
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- criminal cartel 5
- crown immunity 4
- enforceable undertakings 2
- exclusionary provisions 2
- exclusive dealing 8
- gun jumping 1
- injunctions 2
- intellectual property 2
- market definition 5
- market in Australia 3
- market sharing 1
- mergers 8
- misleading or deceptive conduct 1
- misuse of market power 17
- notification 5
- penalties 17
- predatory pricing 1
- price fixing 15
- public benefit 1
- resale price maintenance 17
- sentencing 3
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- beach 6
- accc (notification) 5
- allsop 5
- wigney 5
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- french 1
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- gaudron 1
- gleeson (jacqueline) 1
- goldberg 1
I am progressively adding cases to this database; for a more complete list see the alphabetical or chronological list versions
ACCC v Leahy Petroleum Pty Ltd
Federal Court of Australia [2007] FCA 794 (price fixing, contract arrangement or understanding)
ACCC v Tooltechnic Systems (Aust) Pty Ltd
[2007] FCA 432 Justice Kiefel (Resale Price Maintenance)
ACCC v Jurlique International Pty Ltd
Federal Court of Australia [2007] FCA 79; (2007) ATPR 42-146 (8 February 2007) (RPM)
ACCC v Baxter Healthcare (2006)
[2006] FCAFC 128 (24 August 2006) (on derivative immunity) (Justices Mansfield, Dowsett and Gyles)
ACCC v Chaste Corporation Pty Ltd
[2005] FCA 1212 Justice Lander (resale price maintenance)
ACCC v Baxter Healthcare (2005)
[2005] FCA 581 (16 May 2005) (first instance) (Justice Allsop)(exclusive dealing, misuse of market power and derivative Crown immunity)
ACCC v Pioneer International Limited and Pioneer Building Products (Qld) Pty Ltd
Federal Court, Unreported (20 December 1996)
Arnotts Ltd v Trade Practices Commission (appeal)
Federal Court of Australia [1990] FCA 12 (31 Jan 1990) Justice Beaumont (mergers)
Arnotts Ltd v Trade Practices Commission (trial)
Federal Court of Australia [1990] FCA 12 (31 Jan 1990) Justice Beaumont (mergers)
Queensland Wire Industries v BHP (High Court)
High Court of Australia (1989) 167 CLR 177 (misuse of market power)
Queensland Wire Industries v BHP (Full Federal Court)
Federal Court of Australia (Full Court) [1987] FCA 496 (misuse of market power)
Queensland Wire Industries v BHP (Federal Court)
Federal Court of Australia (1987) 16 FCR 50 (misuse of market power)
Re Trade Practices Commission v Kensington Hiring Co Pty Limited Formerly Westco Motors (Distributors) Pty Limited Trading As Westco Motors NSW
[1981] FCA 206 Justice Sheppard (resale price maintenance)
Re Ron Hodgson (Holdings) Pty Limited v Westco Motors (Distributors) Pty Limited; Westco Australia Pty Limited
[1980] FCA 3; (1980) 29 ALR 307 Justice Franki (resale price maintenance)
Re Queensland Co-Op Milling Association Limited and Defiance Holdings Limited (QCMA)
Trade Practices Tribunal (1976) 8 ALR 481; (1976) ATPR 40–012 (mergers)