Judicial profiles
The Hon Justice Jonathan Barry Rashleigh Beach
Federal Court of Australia (2014-)
Federal Court of Australia
Key competition cases
ACCC v Pacific National (2019)
ACCC v Cryosite Ltd (2019)
ACCC v Olex (2017)
LLB (Melbourne) (1982)
BSc (physical chemistry) (Melbourne)
BA (philosophy)
Appointed Queen's Counsel for Victoria (November 1999)
Member of Victorian Bar (since November 1987)
Admitted to practice as barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria (March 1984)
Relevant judgments
ACCC v Pacific National Pty Limited (No 2) [2019] FCA 669
Anti-competitive agreements - vertical merger
ACCC v Cryosite Ltd (2019)
Cartel conduct; gun jumping; $1.05m fine (admitted conduct)
ACCC v Olex (2017)
Trial. Cartel claims (claims dismissed)
ACCC v Cement Australia Pty Ltd (2017)
Appeal against penalty in s 45 case
More information
Ceremonial Sitting of the Full Court For the Swearing In and Welcome of the Honourable Justice Beach
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Last updated: 8 August 2020