Judicial profiles
The Hon Justice Geoffrey Alan Flick
Federal Court of Australia
PhD (Cambridge)
LLB (Syd)
Barrister-at-Law of the Supreme Court of New South Wales
Relevant work history
Judge, Federal Court of Australia (15 October 2007 - )
Member, Sixth Floor Selbourne Wentworth Chambers
Senior Counsel (since 1993)
Barrister (NSW Bar, since 1982)
Relevant judgments
ACCC v Pfizer
Trial. Misuse of market power and exclusive dealing (application dismissed)
See also cases database (Flick)
Flick, GA, Federal Administrative Law (Thomson Reuters, 2012, Looseleaf)
Flick, GA, Federal Court Practice (Thomson Reuters, 2012, Looseleaf)
Flick, GA, High Court Practice (Thomson, 2006 - )
Flick, GA, 'Error of Law or Error of Fact?' (1983) Western Australian Law Review 193
Flick, GA, Natural Justice: principles and practical applications (1979) Butterworths
Flick, GA, 'Notice and Administrative "Pleadings"' (1977) Western Australian Law Review 224
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Last updated: 27 October 2020