Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)
Section 95H
Price Inquiries
Inquiries by Commission
(1) The Minister may, by notice in writing given to the Chairperson, require the Commission to hold an inquiry into a specified matter or specified matters.
(2) The Minister may, by notice in writing given to the Chairperson, approve the Commission holding an inquiry into a specified matter or specified matters.
Inquiries by other bodies
(3) The Minister may, by notice in writing, request a body other than the Commission to hold an inquiry into a specified matter or specified matters.
(4) The other body must, if it agrees to hold the inquiry, appoint a person to preside at the inquiry. The appointment must be in writing.
(5) However, if the other body is a group of 2 or more individuals, the Minister must, by writing, appoint one of those individuals to preside at the inquiry.
(5A) The Minister must, as soon as practicable after confirmation that the other body will hold the inquiry, table a statement in each House of the Parliament:
(a) specifying that the body will hold the inquiry; and
(b) giving the Minister’s reasons for requesting the body, rather than the Commission, to hold the inquiry.
No inquiry in relation to exempt supply
(6) A notice under this section must not authorise the holding of an inquiry into a supply of goods or services of a particular description that is an exempt supply in relation to goods or services of that description.
No inquiry in relation to a State or Territory authority
(7) A notice under this section must not authorise the holding of an inquiry into the supply by a State or Territory authority of goods or services.
Location: Part VIIA - Prices surveillance | Division 3 -Price Inquiries | Subdivision A - Holding of Inquiries View official version at Federal Register of Legislation
Legislative history
Last updated: 27 July 2020