Government response to Digital Platforms Inquiry


The Australian Government has released its much anticipated response to the ACCC’s Digital Platforms Inquiry.

The response includes investing $26.9 million (over four years) in a new special Digital Platforms unit within the ACCC and tasking them with - among other things - undertaking inquiries as directed by the Treasurer, starting with the supply of online advertising and ad-tech services.

The ACCC will also commence consultation on proposed amendments to s 50(3) (mergers) in 2020, ‘noting that courts may already consider these matters in merger cases and that the proposed changes would affect businesses across the Australian economy and not just digital platforms’.

There is no immediate directive to Google to enable Android users to choose default browser and search engine, but the ACCC is directed to monitor the impact of the changes in Europe and further advise government.

More detail in the report - including various new inquiries:

For media an commentary see:


Digital Platforms Inquiry response a 'let down'


Mergers: concerns about Cengage McGraw-Hill deal