Global reading room
The global reading room is necessarily select and incomplete, but when time permits I will post links to relevant publications that pique my interest …
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Research Handbook on Methods and Models of Competition Law
Deborah Healey, Michael Jacobs, Rhonda Smith (eds), Research Handbook on Methods and Models of Competition Law (Edward Elgar, Nov 2020)
The Looming Crisis in Antitrust Economics
Herbert Hovenkamp, The Looming Crisis in Antitrust Economics (October 5, 2020) Boston University Law Review (2021)
Algorithms and Competition Law
Michal Gal and Thibault Schrepel, ‘Algorithms and Competition Law‘ (SSRN, 7 September 2020)
Radical Restorative Remedies for Digital Markets
Gal, Michal and Petit, Nicolas, Radical Restorative Remedies for Digital Markets (September 6, 2020). Berkeley Technology Law Journal, Vol. 37, No. 1, 2021,
Antitrust in the Shadow of Market Disruptions
Barak Orbach, ‘Antitrust in the Shadow of Market Disruptions‘ (2020) 34(3) Antitrust 32
Antitrust and Platform Monopoly
Herbert Hovenkamp, University of Penn, Institute for Law and Economic Research Paper No 20-43 (22 July 2020). Abstract: “This article first considers an often-discussed question about large internet platforms that deal directly with consumers: Are they “winner take all,” or natural monopoly, firms?”
Antitrust: What Counts as Consumer Welfare?
Hovenkamp, Herbert, Antitrust: What Counts as Consumer Welfare? (July 20, 2020). U of Penn, Inst for Law & Econ Research Paper No. 20-44.
Attention Intermediaries: Regulatory Options and their Institutional Implications
Monti, Giorgio, Attention Intermediaries: Regulatory Options and their Institutional Implications (July 7, 2020). TILEC Discussion Paper No. DP2020-018
Market adjustments, Competition Law and the Covid-19 Pandemic
“Frédéric discusses how competition agencies have been responding to the challenges brought by the Covid-19. …“
Blockchain Code as Antitrust
Thibault Schrepen and Vitalik Buterin. Abstract: In this article, we show that blockchain can help in reaching the goals of antitrust law in situations where the rule of law does not apply. We detail what needs to be done to this end, from both a technical and legal standpoint.
Do Competition Lawyers Harm Welfare?
Richard Whish, Do Competition Lawyers Harm Welfare?, Concurrentialiste (May 11, 2020)
POWER: Trust and Distrust
Eleanor M. Fox, POWER: Trust and Distrust, CONCURRENTIALISTE (Apr. 6, 2020): “Eleanor explores how antitrust and other instruments have been dealing with the many dimension of power, from 1890 to these days of corona-crisis.“
Platforms, Power and the Antitrust Challenge: A Modest Proposal to Narrow the US-Europe Divide
Eleanor M Fox, ‘Platforms, Power and the Antitrust Challenge: A Modest Proposal to Narrow the U.S.–Europe Divide’ (2019) 98(2) Nebraska Law Review 297
Reactionary antitrust
John M Newman, Reactionary Antitrust (September 16, 2019). Concurrences Revue, No. 4 (2019)
Algorithmic Opacity and Exclusion in Antitrust Law
Mark R Patterson, Algorithmic Opacity and Exclusion in Antitrust Law (2018). Italian Antitrust Review; Fordham Law Legal Studies Research Paper No. 3400208
EU Competition Law Goals and the Digital Economy
Ariel Ezrachi, ‘EU Competition Law Goals and the Digital Economy’ (Oxford Legal Studies Research Paper No 17/2018 (6 June 2018))
Algorithms as Illegal Agreements
Gal, Michal, Algorithms as Illegal Agreements (May 2, 2018). Berkeley Technology Law Journal
Amazon’s Antitrust Paradox
Lina M Khan, ‘Amazon’s Antitrust Paradox (2016-2017) 126(3) The Yale Law Journal 710