Inquiry into digital platforms
Consultation on the final report
Reporting Body
Response to ACCC Digital Platforms Inquiry final report
Consultation period
For submissions
1 August - 12 September 2019
For further consultation
September-October 2019
About this review
Following the release of the final report the Government invited submissions on the findings and recommendations.
In particular, they called for 'views on practical options for implementation, timing and any impediments or challenges.'
Views were to be considered by the Government in developing a response.
The Treasury Consultation Hub states that:
On 26 July 2019 the Treasurer and the Minister for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts publicly released the final report of ACCC Digital Platforms Inquiry. They announced a 12 week public consultation process for all interested parties to provide their views on the recommendations to Government. The 12 week public consultation process has been divided into a 6 week period for interested parties to make submissions on the report with the remainder of the time to be used for targeted consultation meetings.
The report outlines 23 recommendations that respond to the substantial market power that has arisen through the growth of digital platforms, their impact on competition in media and advertising markets and implications for news media businesses, advertisers and consumers.
Published by Treasury
Treasury published 109 of the responses received:
Published by individuals/organisations
Access Now ➤
(12 September 2019)
Australian Banking Association ➤
(19 September 2019)
Australian Industry Group ➤
(12 September 2019)
Business Council of Australia ➤
(September 2019)
Communications Alliance ➤
(12 September 2019)
Consumer Action Law Centre ➤
(2 September 2019)
Consumer Policy Research Centre ➤
Authored by Lauren Solomon, CEO
(12 September 2019)
Facebook (PDF 141 pages) ➤
(12 September 2019)
Financial Rights Legal Centre
(14 September 2019)
Google has not released a full submission but see:
Melanie Silva, ‘Google on the ACCC Digital Platforms Inquiry’ (17 September 2019) ➤
IAB Australia ➤
(16 September 2019)
IGEA (Interactive games and entertainment association) ➤
(September 2019)
International Center for Law and Economics ➤
(12 September 2019)
Law Institute of Victoria
(17 September 2019)
’In the submission, the LIV endorses the research and recommendations presented by the ACCC as responsible measures needed to deal with the social and economic change brought by the digital platforms.’
News Corp
(reportedly submitted and published, but haven’t found it yet …)
Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman ➤
(4 October 2019)