Judicial profiles
The Hon Justice Jayne Margaret Jagot
High Court of Australia (17 October 2022 - )
Federal Court of Australia (2008-2022)
BA, Macquarie University (1st class hons) (1987)
LLB, Sydney University (1st class hons) (1991)
Called to the NSW Bar in 2002
Admitted as solicitor (1991)
Relevant work history
Judge, Federal Court of Australia (27 October 2022 - )
Judge, Federal Court of Australia (3 Sept 2008-2022) (Sydney)
Additional Judge of the Supreme Court of the ACT
Presidential Member, Administrative Appeals Tribunal
Deputy President, Copyright Tribunal
Judge, Land and Environment Court of New South Wales2002-2006
Called to the bar1992-2002
Solicitor, Mallesons Stephen Jacques (partner from 1997)
Relevant judgments
See also cases database (Jagot)
Epic Games, Inc v Apple Inc [2021] FCAFC 122
(private international law - stay application)Ultra Tune Australia Pty Ltd v ACCC [2019] FCAFC 164
(franchising code - appeal against penalty (penalty reduced))ACCC v LG Electronics Australia Pty Ltd [2018] FCAFC 96
(consumer law - misleading or deceptive conduct - false or misleading representations)Port of Newcastle Operations Pty Ltd v ACCC [2017] FCA 1330
(administration - application for judicial review)ACCC v Reckitt Benckiser (Australia) Pty Ltd [2016] FCAFC 181
(consumer law - pecuniary penalties)ACCC v Colgate-Palmolive Pty Ltd (No 3) [2016] FCA 676 (Woolworths)
(exclusionary provisions - penalties)ACCC v Colgate-Palmolive Pty Ltd (No 2) [2016] FCA 528 (Colgate)
(anti-competitive conduct, price fixing - pecuniary penalty)ACCC v Gourmet Goody’s Family Restaurant Pty Ltd [2010] FCA 1216
(consumer - failure to prominently identify single price for menu items - pecuniary penalty)Ascot Four Pty Ltd v ACCC [2009] FCAFC 61
(consumer - misleading or deceptive conduct)
Speeches (select)
Hon Jayne Jagot, 'The Common Law and Competition Law' (Bannerman Competition Lecture, 22 February 2018) (also available on Federal Court website)
Hon Jayne Jagot, 'Challenges of economic concepts in judicial matters' (15th Annual Competition Law and Economics Workshop, Adelaide, 14 October 2017)
More information
Appointment to High Court
Appointment to Federal Court
Appointment to High Court
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Last updated: 29 September 2022