accc Julie Clarke accc Julie Clarke

Energy sector cooperation authorised by ACCC

The ACCC has ‘granted interim authorisation to the Australian Energy Market Operator Limited (AEMO) to allow gas and electricity industry participants to co-operate on measures to ensure secure and reliable energy supply and integrity of wholesale markets during the COVID-19 pandemic.‘

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accc Julie Clarke accc Julie Clarke

ACCC authorises NBN Co and retail provides to cooperate

The ACCC has ‘granted interim authorisation allowing NBN Co and five retail service providers (RSPs) to work together to take measures necessary to keep Australia’s telecommunications networks operating effectively during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as support consumers and small businesses adversely impacted by the pandemic.‘

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accc Julie Clarke accc Julie Clarke

ACCC COVID-19 Taskforce

The ACCC has established a COVID-19 Taskforce which is speaking to business “about their obligations in relation to cancellations, refunds and suspension of services as a result of COVID-19,” among other things.

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accc Julie Clarke accc Julie Clarke

ACCC grants interim authorisation to Medical Technology Association of Australia

The ACCC has granted interim authorisation to the Medical Technology Association of Australia to aid the supply of COVID-19 medial equipment. The authorisation allows medical technology companies to ‘work together to coordinate the supply and potential manufacture in Australia of ventilators, testing kits, personal protective equipment and other medical equipment needed to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.‘

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accc Julie Clarke accc Julie Clarke

ACCC authorises supermarkets to work together during COVID-19 pandemic

The ACCC has granted swift interim authorisation to Coles, Woolworths, Aldi and Metcash (and other grocery retailers wishing to participate) to coordinate in order to ‘ensure consumers have reliable and fair access to groceries’ during the pandemic. The authorisation does not extend to agreement on retail prices.

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