academic, book Julie Clarke academic, book Julie Clarke

Concurrences: Women and Antitrust

In this first volume of Women & Antitrust, leading professionals from around the world present reflections and forecasts on topical issues in antitrust and competition law and policy. Nestled among the exchanges are insights into the professional paths of the women interviewed. Through personal anecdotes, they share perspectives on their chosen roles, if and how gender has informed their career choices, and offer advice to young practitioners interested in joining this field.

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accc Julie Clarke accc Julie Clarke

Members of Australian Securitisation Forum authorised to work together

‘The ACCC has granted interim authorisation for members of the Australian Securitisation Forum (ASF) to work together to assist smaller lenders to maintain liquidity and issue loans to consumers and small businesses during the economic disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.‘

This follows the federal government announcement of a finance support fund and allows ASF members to coordinate input on how to administer that scheme.

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accc Julie Clarke accc Julie Clarke

Vic and Qld private and public hospitals can cooperate

The ACCC has authorised private hospitals in Victoria and Queensland to cooperate with ‘state health agencies, public hospitals and each other’ to prepare for and respond to COVID-19.

No public consultation took place before authorisation; public submissions may now be made and are due by 1 May 2020.

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accc Julie Clarke accc Julie Clarke

Energy sector cooperation authorised by ACCC

The ACCC has ‘granted interim authorisation to the Australian Energy Market Operator Limited (AEMO) to allow gas and electricity industry participants to co-operate on measures to ensure secure and reliable energy supply and integrity of wholesale markets during the COVID-19 pandemic.‘

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accc Julie Clarke accc Julie Clarke

ACCC authorises NBN Co and retail provides to cooperate

The ACCC has ‘granted interim authorisation allowing NBN Co and five retail service providers (RSPs) to work together to take measures necessary to keep Australia’s telecommunications networks operating effectively during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as support consumers and small businesses adversely impacted by the pandemic.‘

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