Reading Room
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- COVID-19 12
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- accc 22
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- authorisation 6
- bid rigging 1
- big data 2
- cartels 28
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- competition law (general) 12
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- digital platforms 30
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- intellectual property 10
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- market power 2
- mergers 32
- misuse of market power 18
- new zealand 1
- news media 1
- notification 2
- penalties 3
- pharmaceutical 2
- private enforcement 1
- process 1
- public enforcement 9
Readings lists can be found following the links below
Causation in Misuse of Market Power Claims under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)
Katharine Kemp, ‘Causation in Misuse of Market Power Claims under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)’ (2021) 49(4) Australian Business Law Review 208
Reforming Australia’s merger regime
Julie Clarke, ‘Reforming Australia’s merger regime’ (2021) 29 Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law 285-296
Assessing a Merger Control Regime: Relevant Factors
Luke Wainscoat, ‘Assessing a Merger Control Regime: Relevant Factors’ (2021) 29(4) Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law 267-273
Country Press Australia’s Collective Bargaining Notification
Holly Cao, ‘Country Press Australia’s Collective Bargaining Notification’ (2021) 29(4) Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law 274-279
To Merge or Not to Merge - What is the Answer?
Hank Spier, ‘To Merge or Not to Merge - What is the Answer?’ (2021) 29(4) Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law 318-320
ACCC v IVF Finance Pty Ltd: an improved merger and acquisition regime in the foreseeable future?
Teresa Garbo, ‘ACCC v IVF Finance Pty Ltd: an improved merger and acquisition regime in the foreseeable future?’ (2021) 37(7) CCLN 70
The art of crystal ball gazing? Assessing digital mergers
Deborah Healey and Rhonda Smith, ‘The art of crystal ball gazing? Assessing digital mergers’ (2021) 28 Competition and Consumer Law Journal 292
Price setting algorithms and collusion: An Australian perspective
Arihant Agarwal, ‘Price setting algorithms and collusion: An Australian perspective’ (2021) 28 CCLJ 316
Algorithmic Collusion and Australian Competition Law: Trouble Ahead for the National Electricity Market?
Jeremy Chan, ‘Algorithmic Collusion and Australian Competition Law: Trouble Ahead for the National Electricity Market?’ (2021) 44(4) UNSW Law Journal 1365
Current Issues in Competition Law: Vol I Context and Interpretation
Michael Gvozdenovic and Stephen Puttick (eds) Current Issues in Competition Law: Vol I Context and Interpretation (The Federation Press, 2021)
Competition in Australia faces big challenges
Rod Sims outlines three key challenges facing competition law and policy in Australia (15 October 2021)
Agreed Penalties Under Scrutiny
Bill Keane, ‘Agreed Penalties Under Scrutiny’ (2021) 29(3) Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law 202
Proving Civil Cartel Conduct …
Jarryd Cox, ‘Proving Civil Cartel Conduct: Evidentiary Issues, Commitment and the Effect of the Concerted Practices Prohibition’ (2021) 29(3) Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law 193
Do Androids Dream of Electronic Collusion? An Analysis of Algorithmic Collusion under Australian Law
Deniz Kayis, ‘Do Androids Dream of Electronic Collusion? An Analysis of Algorithmic Collusion under Australian Law?’ (2021) 29(3) Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law 176
Some thoughts about proof in competition cases
Justice Jayne M Jagot, ‘Some thoughts about proof in competition cases’ (speech, 18th Annual Competition Law and Economics Workshop, 15 October 2021 (online))
Competitive Solutions for COVID-19
Alex Sundakov, ‘Competitive Solutions for COVID-19’ (2021) 29(3) Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law 198
Immunity Policies: Uncertainty, Irregularity, and Effectiveness
Deniz Kayis and Rob Nicholls, ‘Immunity Policies: Uncertainty, Irregularity, and Effectiveness’ in Michael Gvozdenovic and Stephen Puttick (eds) Current Issues in Competition Law: Vol II Practice and Perspectives (The Federation Press, 2021) Chapter 3
Joint Venture Defence: The Cascade Decision and Implications
Adrian Coorey, ‘Joint Venture Defence: The Cascade Decision and Implications’ in Michael Gvozdenovic and Stephen Puttick (eds) Current Issues in Competition Law: Vol II Practice and Perspectives (The Federation Press, 2021) Chapter 2
The Criminalisation of Corporate and Cartel Conduct
Justice Anthony Payne and Natasha Naidu, ‘The Criminalisation of Corporate and Cartel Conduct’ in Michael Gvozdenovic and Stephen Puttick (eds) Current Issues in Competition Law: Vol II Practice and Perspectives (The Federation Press, 2021) Chapter 1
Current Issues in Competition Law: Vol II Practice and Perspectives
Michael Gvozdenovic and Stephen Puttick (eds) Current Issues in Competition Law: Vol II Practice and Perspectives (The Federation Press, 2021)